Thursday, March 28, 2013


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oh my look what I did

Oh my-- I had to get an eyebrow that was SO not where I wanted it! And went into our brand new bathroom to search and destroy the misdirected hair and of course the tweezers were not on top of the  beauty supply box but closer to the bottom. So I had to pull stuff out and spread things all over the counter top and keep track of the wayward hair. "Nail polish? That doesn't belong in this particular box! But it was Momma's and very special to me because it was one of her fav colors so I will set it over here."

Ahhhh omg nail polish -- old nail polish does it rinse? wipe?
omg how can I replace the sink without Einstein knowing?
OMG he is going to kill me! Lecture me to a slow and painful suicide!

Fingernail polish remover yeah!!! Nope doesn't work y'all!
Omg I can hear all of his stupid humiliating questions - please don't let my life end this way!!

random plans of survival running thru my head--- i will meet him at the door and ask for a divorce and be steps ahead of him! (Cause he will want one when he sees this sink)
He will be so surprised he will not care payout the new sink mess.

Inhale dear it's a white sink you need to think bleach thoughts --- white blood like stains, oh huh it's coming to me! Clorox magic wipes... I think I just bought some... And it will help my cut thumb I am sure

Ahhhh I believe I hear angels singing "glooory haliluyah" WELL if they weren't I WAS!!

just a little time with a smiling muscular bald guy and I won't have to ask for a divorce and I won't have to die humiliated by stupid Einstein questions either!! Life is really good!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Remembering on Monday

Had this great idea of a post about my trip to Nashville - it may still get some personal time because it does deserve it. For 26 years gone up and down that road to stay close to my family! One reason I was so excited to get here in 1985 was because we had been 8 different places and none were a weekend visit to my lil' red house.

But number 1 son just sent me a message to let me know that Leon russell was coming to town the end of April-- almost worth postponing move to Texas my friends! (And that may have been Son's thinking in telling me! Cause he has admitted he is dreading being the las stockard standing in Gawga)
Anyway let me just remind you I am such a child of the late sixties- seventies!! And this man's music is very much a part of my lifetime quilt (man I hope I never finish that project)

Let me share with you a song that still makes me cry: a song for you
Song for you

He played piano (most musician I was around (Big Mac) played guitar) Leon had the longest prettiest silver mane of hair and sang soft sweet love songs (check out his wedding album)
So many great emotions come up for the  Jumpin jack flash ballad
So many strong emotions in the song and in my life at the time this piano player had life figured out!

Friday, March 22, 2013

A random thought

I love spring but my favorite place in the spring is marietta, ga.  This place usually warms up so quickly you have to ask "did we have spring?" And being insanely impatient I like it like that!

So we were in the Fort Worth area for a few days house hunting and as pleased as we are with a future there it felt like heaven to get back into the Atlanta traffic and head home!!

As soon as I got home I went to pick up our puppy

And we went for a walk around the neighborhood. The Bradford pear trees had bloomed out while we were gone and looked so pretty! Hooray winter is history ( well that moment I thought so!)
"I must get a picture to share with our  child gone north!"
And as we walked on past I realized why you never see a Yankee candle in the shop named "Bradford blooming" --- they really stink ---- and I mean really! Just like dog poo!! Ahhhh spring in Gawga!!! I love it

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The catch

We did it- we found the house measured and tested its location. It fits us very nicely! So we put together an offer to be more appealing than the two ahead of us and now we wait....

And return home to slater mill. My attitude has been adjusted and it was due to two things.

* The area we are going to be apart of has rolling hills, large horse farms, trees ( not tall but significant in maturity). A lake--> river and small town feel. If I do get the job paying what I asked then it will be a very interesting position and it will cause me to claim a small part of Fort Worth AND Dallas as home.
* Even bigger than all of the physical elements the emotional element of my kids are as close to me as my phone! Which is my connection in marietta as well but I guess I had to experience that as well. So much texting, photo sharing, Instagram- we shared our day like always. So I am not leaving them we are not further apart - really! I need to tell them how important that was to my weekend!
Now to have actually taken time to call! That is my worst down fall because I hate to bother them but I need to get over that. Hell it is a freaking cell PHONE

This next chapter is going to be ok and actually gonna rock! Cause I am really getting excited about the house and the possibilities

Friday, March 15, 2013

Again on the hunt

Yep ten years ago this month (March) we were headed to Georgia and I was elated! Home to my ' lanta which was really 30 minutes north of the city. It was home where we had owned our first house and raised our boys and had our girls. We had spent two years in Texas and while it was a nice place to visit it wasn't "home"!
Now today I am flying back to Texas! Omg! How did that happen? We are headed back for job security and hell our kids really grew up and left "home". So this will be a different experience not a repeat. Sometimes I do better on redo but this will be so different it won't count as a redo. Only thing...I am still leaving "home".

Never fear I have packed all my big girl panties and approaching this as an adventure - even as I peer out over the airplane wing at the buildings of hot'lanta and tears fall. The southern piece of the universe that I have honestly loved since I first met it at the age of twelve ( about 99 years ago).
We have waved good bye to two of our babies and one is looking SO hard for opportunities in the west- and one is thrilled to have an opportunity to go with us! (Surely she will meet the cowboy of her dreams and never leaves us out there!).
Really if at least our soon to be granddaughter and family came out there I could talk the others into more frequent visits and then I would be fine! Hahahaaa!

Now we have wide open pastures to prepare for! And only two houses that have captured our hearts and imaginations. No down sizing for these seniors no sirree! We need room for those once a year family gatherings (oh please kids prove me wrong and visit LOTS) and I know my life will now be filled with airplane tickets and trips north and south and maybe even a couple more returns to see Sam and lauren in marietta!
I think this period of my life was delayed for a reason ( you know the period where your kids grow and move far away) it was delayed for a reason-- my piece of mind! Now the things that I love are also things that remind me I am not 45 any more I am seriously 55! How the fuck does that happen anyway!? My sister told me it would and I laughed and said yea some day but not today
( in true scarlet fashion)
So I AM a grand mother I like that a lot I hate that she is so freakin far away! But I will make the best of our budget and airlines to be sure she knows me and her sorta name sake - "granny"
So I can order bloody Mary's on the airplane cause my dear sweet husband said "I want you to enjoy this trip like a princess". ( I know what that means too I won't be a princes when the trip is over )
So I can retire and enjoy being on a budget well I suppose if it means I have the freedom to go see my babies whenever I want!!
So I can hold hands with my dear life long friend my husband. We still hold hands and forget what a novelty it is till some one in the airport in passing said, " I love it that you all hold hands" we decided it is the best way for us to keep up with each other as I am short and get lost in the crowds easily lol but it is calming to me to have his hand in mine (sometimes in a death grip) as we start off on another fucking adventure lol
And so I can say fucking cause I am a senior and I want to!

What an amazing thing thati can "journal" on the airplane and be ready to hit "publish" from my room tonight and my daughter and sister will instantly read my thoughts for the trip.
Note to self: always have a Bloody Mary on flight!