Thursday, August 23, 2012

nature is my nature--

when i was a stay at home mom of 1 then 2 then 3 then 4!! i thought i needed more hours in the day to get all of them well fed, washed, edumacted, (I home schooled a couple of the smartest kids in the universe!) and groceries and cook...and blabla bla

Now the oldest is about to get married at 31 just before he turns 32! shewwww I had 3 by then and 11 years under my belt!  love you guys!

Our oldest Daughter (22) married 2011 and just recently moved out of state!

Our second born and our second son- moved away in Feb of this year- it was a sudden job transfer and it was very hard for me but man has he made a wonderful wonderful choice
He is not a cowboy and he is not a redneck! he is very successful poser!

and last but certainly not lease is the remaining college student that traveled 4 hours away from home to go to college!  She teaches Ballet to little ladies and studies, goes to the library to use the large screens for PINTEREST! 

So my point in all of this bla bla is that they are all moved away and I STILL need more hours in a day! to work at my job 8hrs, go to the gym/ run (slim down for that wedding) water my flowers

*******************Feed the wild things!************

And think and create for the Ode to Nature class offered by Alisa Burke

***********************and doodle and water paint***********************

And low and behold try to mingle with others in my class--when suddenly i remember I have to pack!!! I am going to see by married daughter for the weekend!! HOORAY!

destined to be behind the rest of my life but oh am i loving it!


  1. Ha! I'm having the same problem with time management these days, and not only am I an empty nester now, I'm also retired! The thing is, I only discovered the existence of online art classes a few months ago, and have been taking them back-to-back ever since, trying to make up for lost time!

  2. Hi, thank you for visiting my blog. What a busy life you lead! I really like your leaf drawings with the washed down blue ink and the complementary orange background. Andy
