Sunday, September 2, 2012

not gonna be a cry baby

When you sink your life,  your 24/7 for 30 years into someone,  well, you get attached.
 it is hard to step away and embrace the shell you become when they are not a part of even your long weekend life. especially when you truly enjoy their company.  but hey i can be a big girl too.
Note to reader: I had beg for the oldest son pic 

so i promised you that i would be your dragon slayer for all eternity and you NO longer have need for dragon slayers.  So what you are enjoying yourself with out me AND dont think you need to include me in any of your visit plans - ha - i just want you to be the happy healthy adult that you are despite my best mistakes!
Note to reader: I had to invite myself over to his friends pool for a visit with  him --- thankfully i love his BFF and BFF's wife:

***I would share text messages I got from my daughters but I don't know how to take a pic of the screen but i need to learn that because texting is a HUGE part of our communication****

Embrace it? No not my terminology, I say Fuck it! I am over qualified (new term for old)
and it sucks but not a damn thing I can do about it.

My art space is exciting to me

AND very exciting to FATCAT (Alias "Ollie" and "Toby")
getting all the accessories in view and know exactly where they are-- (Ok maybe not exactly but a good idea of where they are:

love this little collage of Brave Girls Club Art  

and here is to small bottles:

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