Thursday, May 10, 2012

pre mothers day thought

last night i went to a new shop, a new girl to have my hair colored.  She came highly recommended by a most wonderful woman!  my daughter!
she is not easy to get to almost 30 minutes away from my office but she was so worth it! she is very good at what she does and kind and oh such cute personality.  loved her!

thru the random conversations that you have with someone you want to get to know as they section out your hair and pile the goo on these words came from her mouth...
"you have some very good people in your life"
those words made me stop and catch my breath because it has been such an incredibly hard week at work because of some very different words said in an entirely different tone.

One woman ruined my very excited mental state in a burst of frustration and another filled my cup to the rim with the words about people she only heard a few words about.  isnt that amazing the power of spoken words.  (and one is paying me and the other i am paying! i realize that LOL)

but that is what i took from the evening...GREAT fabulous hair and the resolve to let my cup be full again because this weekend my house will be full again. bursting with the babies that have grown in to such wonderful adults.  they dont know it but every time they are around they build my heart and mind (perhaps only fair after all the times they tested, pushed and broke my heart and mind)

When they are all around life is good and safe and oh so enjoyable because they each have such different ways of taking on their own lives.  it adds such dimensions to my own.  It creates such an current of possibilities to hear them all sharing their lives with each other.  They dont even realize it but their eyes are so wide and attentive, their body language is very positive and open and relaxed.  Perhaps the chemistry of all families works this way but I love to watch it in my own.

So to the lady that ruined my week...i must move on now.... to the lady that awoke me from my troubled heart i say Thank you!! and may you have an extraordinary week yourself!

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